Sensei's Anime Gallery
Asatte no Hōkō 6: Episode 11

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Episode 11: The 'Now' That Is There [ Soko ni aru ima ]
Director: Toshikazu Hashimoto (also 2, 7)
Episode animation director: Kazunori Iwakura (also 2, 6) with Tsuyoshi Kawada (also 8)
Senior Animation Director: Ikuko Itou

This episode has some dark and painful moments, in which both Shouko and Karada confront the past and recognize what they have lost through their wish. It feature fine animation work by episode animation director Kazunori Iwakura, and a sprinkling of luminous shuusei gengas by senior animation director Ikuko Itou.

 Ep. 11: Karada-chan at the secret spring

 Karada-chan at the secret spring: Reanimation

 Karada-san at the secret spring

 Karada-san at the secret spring: Reanimation

 Tōko tries to sort things out: A1

 Tōko tries to sort things out: A6

 Shōko-san on the train

 Hiro on the train

 Hiro giving Shōko-san a helping hand

 Shōko-san looking up at Hiro

 Shōko-chan at the shrine

 Time for a walk? (1)

 Time for a walk? (2)

 Time for a walk? (3)

 Karada asked to take Tetsu for a walk: B1

 Karada asked to take Tetsu for a walk: B2

 Karada asked to take Tetsu for a walk: B4

 Kotomi and Karada on the overlook: A1/B1

 Kotomi and Karada on the overlook:A2

 Karada tells about her confession to Tetsu: roughs

 Karada tells about her confession to Tetsu: genga and douga

 Tetsu reacts to the confession: A1

 Tetsu reacts to the confession: A2

 Karada: “I wanted to grow up . . . right away.”
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269907

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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