Sensei's Anime Gallery
Gegege no Kitarō 5: Others

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This gallery gathers some additional sketches from this series. These include 20 sketches from Episode 3 ("The Mysterious Melody: Yasha") and nine sketches from Episode 29, an adventure dealing with a kyoukotsu, or skeletal yurei. Also you'll find eight sketches from another episode (not yet identified). This focuses on a poor young boy who's evidently afflicted with ailuranthropy or werecat syndrome. He's consigned to Kitaro's care by a solicitous sister, and after the usual conflict, the condition is resolved.

The gallery also includes a few other sketches that came with the more extensive Ep. 93 lot but can't be placed in a specific episode.

 Ep. 3: Nezumi-Otoko gets ready for action 1

 Nezumi-Otoko gets ready for action 2

 Nezumi-Otoko gets ready for action 3

 Here’s Nezumi-Otoko!

 Here’s Nezumi-Otoko! 2

 Neko-Mesume socks Nezumi-Otoko 1

 Neko-Mesume socks Nezumi-Otoko 2

 Guy with the guitar


 Ep. 29: Kitarō confronts a kyōkotsu

 The kyōkotsu speaks

 An evil laugh

 Taking to the air

 Catboy and his sister

 Nezumi Otoko sells Catboy a bill of goods

 Catboy transforms 1

 Catboy transforms 2

 Catboy riding on Ittan Momen

 Ittan Momen bucks Catboy off

 Kitarō returns the boy to his sister 1

 Kitarō returns the boy to his sister 2

 Kitarō at home

 Kitarō in the woods

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269864

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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