Sensei's Anime Gallery
Asatte no Hōkō 2: Episodes 4-6

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After the shock of the magical exchange, the first story arc settles down to a pleasant series of discoveries on both female's parts. Karada likes being able to do adult things, and Shoko gets used to the relative freedom of childhood. This is related through a series of largely undramatic episodes in which we see the two females adjusting to their new identities and interacting with others, particularly with Hiro, Karada’s “big brother” (and Shöko’s lover), and with Karada’s schoolmate friend Tetsu. The entry of the roguish Kotomi into the situation adds another level of tension.

Episode 4: Please Believe [Shinjite hoshii]
Director: Masami Furukawa (also 9)
Animation Director: Akiko Nakano (also 9)
Senior Animation Director: Shinya Hasegawa

Episode 5: A Place To Return To [ Kaeru tokoro]
Director: Daisuke Takashima (also 1, 10)
Animation Director: Sumie Kinoshita (also 10)
Senior Animation Director: Ikuko Itou

Episode 6: Summer's Eternity [Natsu no eien]
Director: Toshiaki Miki
Episode animation director: Kazunori Iwakura (also 2, 11) with Hiroyuki Kaidou (also 10)
Senior Animation Director: Shinya Hasegawa

 Ep. 4: Hiro warns Karada-chan to be careful: A1

 Hiro warns Karada-chan to be careful: A2

 Hiro warns Karada-chan to be careful: Reanimation

 Karada at the Matsuri

 Ep. 5: Hiro and Shōko wake up

 Shōko wakes up: Reanimation

 Shōko sitting and listening to Karada: B1

 Shōko sitting and listening to Karada: B2

 Shōko sitting and listening to Karada B3

 Shōko watches Karada do laundry: Layout and Roughs

 Shōko watches Karada do laundry: Gengas and Shuusei

 Karada vacuuming

 Karada vacuuming: Reanimation

 Pensive Shōko: Layout and Roughs

 Pensive Shōko

 Shouko watches the children play

 Shouko watches the children play: reanimation

 Shōko meets Kotomi: A1

 Shōko meets Kotomi: A2

 Shōko meets Kotomi: A4

 Shōko meets Kotomi: reanimation

 Shōko talking to Kotomi: A1

 Shōko talking to Kotomi: A3

 Shōko runs from Kotomi: C1
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269864

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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