Sensei's Anime Gallery
Yōsei Florence (Sanrio, 1985)

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This relatively unknown animated film focuses on a young musician whose career is threatened because he neglects his practice out of love for gardening. In a dream, he is taken by Florence, a flower fairy, to a magical world, where he has a series of surreal adventures, accompanied by clips of classical music.

Reviewers compare it to Disney's Fantasia, noting that this sequence has little dialogue and no character development or advancing plot. Nevertheless, it did gain a North American release under the odd title A Journey through Fairyland. Though available only in a dubbed VHS tape, it attracted its share of fans through video store rentals.

Some information about the production of this film, Sanrio’s last film-length production for several years, is provided in this interesting review from a Masami Hata filmography. "This is a delicate, gentle film aglow with emotion and filled with moments of sheer perfection unsurpassed in anime," the reviewer comments, though noting that its obvious debt to Fantasia ultimately detracts from its artistic achievement.

There is also a version of the film available on YouTube. It's dubbed in Greek, but as there is minimal dialog, you can get a clear sense of this project's spectacular animation effects.

 Yōsei Florence

 Michael in Flight

 Yōsei Florence being pulled away

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269907

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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