Sensei's Anime Gallery
Microid S: Kamishibai (Epoch, 1973)

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Not animation art in the sense of other items in this gallery, this section displays twenty printed cardboard images from this series that were designed as a kamishibai or “paper theater” adaptation of this anime. For a proper introduction to this once-popular Japanese art form, see the commentary for the first image.

Otherwise, browse through these images, which provide a brief introduction to the premise of this series, its main characters, and the typical situations of the plot. The descriptions include translations of the scripts on the cards, courtesy of my fellow curator KuroiTsubasa4. The thumbnails add scans of the original Japanese script on the backs of the cards.

 1. Title Card

 2. Flying toward Japan

 3. A midair bugfight.

 4. Meeting the freighter’s captain

 5. Mid-ocean attack

 6. Safe ashore

 7. The warning falls on deaf ears

 8. The Microids try to explain

 9. Escape from the human race!

 10. Hornet attack

 11. The Microids meet Professor Midoro and Manabu

 12. Attack of the “Microid Ant-lion”

 13. Yanma Rescues Agaha

 14. In the toy department

 15. An Ant-lion goes after Mamezō

 16. What’s the reason?

 17. A new plan

 18. The Microid Ant-lion moults into adult form

 19. The Ant-lion disables the subway driver

 20. Ganbare, Microid S!

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269907

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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