Sensei's Anime Gallery
Inuyasha: Episodes 1-99

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This classic adaptation of Rumiko Takahashi’s epic manga (1996-2008) was produced by Sunrise and ran in 167 episodes (and four movies) from October 2000 to September 2004. The first 99 episodes were cel-based, and starting with Ep. 100 the production went CGI.

Inuyasha cels are among the most competitively collected in the market; small wonder, as the character design and sense of dramatic action in this series are unparalleled. This gallery collects my precious few cels, along with interesting sketch sets from the early part of the series.

 OP1: A demon smashes Sango’s boat

 Ep. 38: Miroku in a cheerful mood 1

 Miroku in a cheerful mood 2

 Shippo gets a snack

 Sango uses her Hiraikotsu: A1

 Sango uses her Hiraikotsu: A2

 Sango uses her Hiraikotsu: A3

 Sango uses her Hiraikotsu: A4

 Sango uses her Hiraikotsu: A5

 Sango uses her Hiraikotsu: Extras

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day mugger: 1

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day mugger: 2

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day mugger: 3

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day mugger: 4

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day mugger: A11 cel

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day mugger: 5

 Inuyasha confronts a modern-day robber: A19 cel

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: 1 (layout)

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: roughs 1 and 1.5

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: rough/layout 2 and rough 3

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: rough/layout 4

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: roughs 5 and 5.5, layout 5

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: rough and layout 6

 Kōga battling a Panther Tribe warrior: rough 8, layouts 8 and 9
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269852

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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