Sensei's Anime Gallery
Cardcaptor Sakura 17: Episode 69 (Sakura and the Revealed Clow Reed)

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This gallery now collects all of my cels and sketches from this triumphant conclusion of the "cardcaptoring" story arc, particularly the important sketches from the final cuts. The episode is dramatically and visually one of the strongest episodes in the series, for it brings back the “dream team” that created the series’ opening episode:

Scriptwriter: Nanase Ohkawa
Episode Director: Morio Asaka
Animation Director: Kumiko Takahashi

These three also served, respectively, as script supervisor, series director, and senior animation director for the entire series, and each, as we’ve seen before, were eminent artists at the top of their form. Taking charge of this absolutely crucial episode, they ensured that the series was brought to its close with no loss of power and quality. Even though, as we learn, there are enough loose ends to require one more TV episode and one more movie. (Not to mention Tsubasa Chronicle!)

CAUTION! MAJOR SPOILERS! But, with the courage and determination Sakura has shown so far, you know that Creepy Eriol isn't going to set her back for long!

 Yamazaki and Chihiro put to sleep

 Sonomi Put Asleep by Eriol’s Magic

 To the rescue

 Eriol Ep. 69 shuusei

 Eriol Ep. 69 genga

 The Windy

 Going Airborne

 Sakura Changes the Last Cards A1

 Sakura Changes the Last Cards A2

 Sakura Changes the Last Cards A5

 Sakura Changes the Last Cards A8

 Sakura Begins to Change the Remaining Cards

 Sakura Begins to Change the Remaining Cards: Background

 The Storm Card


 The Light



 Final Victory


 “Sakura!” Background

 A1: On his last pins

 A2: Stagger

 A3: Catch
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269852

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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