Sensei's Anime Gallery
A Tree of Palme 2: Shatta and Koram

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Second to the plucky puppet and his human companion, the movie revolves around the mysterious warrior Koram, who starts Palme on his quest, and her son Shatta, who goes along with him. The two are similar in many ways, and bound together by blood (figuratively and literally). In different ways, the two grow during the complex story, and both are visually memorable as well.

 Koram Running from her Pursuers

 Koram flees the bolas

 Koram Pursued by the Bolas

 Koram and the Bolas: B30 cel

 Koram mobbed by the Bolas

 Koram appears to Palme's father

 Koram Holds Out a Gift

 Shatta and his sword of Tamas

 A sly Shatta

 Shatta and Bu

 Shatta Sees Trouble

 Shatta fighting a Hunter

 Shatta Rescuing Palme

 Palme dangling from Shatta’s hand

 Shatta Fighting the Dinosaur

 Shatta Confronts His Mother's Spirit

 Shatta Tries to Stop Palme

 Chibi-Koram forces herself to go on

 Chibi-Koram saves her father

 Intense Chibi-Koram

 Goryo Koram

 Goryo-Koram in shock

 Koram Comes to Her Senses

 The Healing of Koram

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269852

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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