Sensei's Anime Gallery
Cardcaptor Sakura 04: Sakura's Costumes

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One of the ongoing treats of CCS is the seemingly endless set of special battle costumes designed by Tomoyo for Sakura. Tomoyo's snappy costumes for Sakura and Syaoran in Tomoeda Elementary's memorable version of Sleeping Beauty are also visible in the gallery devoted to Ep. 42.

WARNING! The two "Birthday Suits" could be considered hentai in some people's eyes (though they are not by design). Please, if you are under 15, let your conscience be your guide before going behind the curtains.

 Sakura's Birthday Suit: A26

 Sakura Empowered

 Sakura's Birthday Suit: B11

 Jester Costume


 Pink Bunny

 High-tech Costume #1

 High-tech Costume #2

 Bat Suit

 Sakura in the Pink Kitty Suit

 Green Fairy


 Witch Sakura

 Giant Sweatdrop

 Supersized Sakura

 Green Poofy Hat

 Sakura in the Red Rabbit suit chased by The Snowy

 Sakura in the Red Rabbit suit chased by The Snowy

 Sakura invoking The Firey

 Sakura Finds Her Watch

 A New Challenge!

 A Close Call!


 Little to Big
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269853

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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