Sensei's Anime Gallery
Hyper Police Sketches: The Other Sakura

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Sakura Bokuseiinmonzeninari, the trickster fox-spirit, manages to be comic, professional, clever, confident, sexy, and, at times, remarkably vulnerable, making her one of the great anime characters.

Her seiyuu, Chiyako Shibahara, does a fine job enacting the role. She has continued to pick up roles, sadly less prominent ones, since then, including parts in Pokemon, Inazuma Eleven, and The Cardcaptor Sakura Movie (one of Syaoran's sisters).

I've been lucky at getting sketch sets that show her in as many of these aspects as possible, including some nearly ecchi ones.

 Sakura: "Think of your duty!"

 Sakura, Batanan, and Tommy discuss their new gig: A2/B2/D2

 Sakura, Batanan, and Tommy discuss their new gig: A8/B5/D6

 Sakura, Batanan, and Tommy discuss their new gig: A14/B6/D7

 Sakura, Batanan, and Tommy discuss their new gig: Reanimation

 Sakura Gives Sage Travel Advice

 Sakura Disguises Herself as a Peasant

 Sakura Disguises Herself as a Peasant

 Sakura ready for action: B4

 Sakura ready for action: B6

 Sakura ready for action: reanimation

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: A1/B1 (layouts)

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: A1/B1 (rough and gengas)

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: B2

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: B3

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: B5

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: B7

 Sakura tries to hitch a ride: B9

 No luck: A2/B10

 “Rest in Peace, Natsuki!”

 Sakura Knocked Unconscious

 Sakura Knocked Unconscious

 Sakura Wakes up in Sakunoshin’s Cave

 Sakura Wakes up in Sakunoshin’s Cave
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269909

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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