Sensei's Anime Gallery
Powerpuff Girls Z 29 B: Saturday Powerpuff Fever

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Episode 29 B: "Saturday Powerpuff Fever," begins when the GirlZ are induced to take part in a disco show. The club is invaded by a character that I simply call "Mr. 777," a simple salaryman with dreams who, oppressed by his boss, takes his briefcase down to the crossroads and sells his soul for a little black light so he can become a disco divo. (Hmmm ... isn't there some other religion that says you get a certain number on your forehead when you do this?)

The character design is a bit politically incorrect, but the images of the PPGZ in Afros doing disco moves are well worth displaying.

Director: Keiichi Sugiyama
Storyboard: Nagashi Tare
Animation Direction: Masami Abe

This episode, like the others featured in my gallery, had Masako Abe as episode animation director. The sketches show a variety of styles, but it is likely that a number of them are "foul papers" scavenged from Abe's workplace. Thus the more preliminary images probably represent trial drafts or revisions by this veteran animator.

Some images have been hidden to keep this gallery trim. Go to "Private Area" and enter the mystic password, then return to see the rest.

 The Singing, Dancing Salaryman

 An invitation to disco

 Invitation accepted!

 The GirlZ Disco Routine: Entry

 The GirlZ Disco Routine: B3

 The GirlZ Disco Routine: Animated version

 The GirlZ Disco Routine: Blossom Twisting

 The GirlZ Disco Finish: Blossom's High Move

 The GirlZ Disco Finish: All three

 Mr. Salaryman's Boss

 The Boss Chews Out Mr. Salaryman

 Mr. 777 Appears

 Mr. 777 Attacks

 The PPGZ Notice That Something Is Amiss

 Who Could Be Responsible?

 Mr. 777 and His Backup Dancers

 Mr. 777 Pan Sketch

 The PPGZ Go Afro

 Buttercup in an Afro

 Dance Revolution!

 The GirlZ Get on Stage

 Close-up of Blossom Dancing

 Buttercup and Bubbles Slow Dancing

 Buttercup and Bubbles Go on the Offensive

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269864

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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