Sensei's Anime Gallery
Tonde Buurin: Keiko the Pain

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Keiko Kuroha is the obligatory spoiler in this series, snobbish troublemaker in Karin's class. It doesn't help that her family is incredibly rich, so she is always appearing with the finest accessories or toys and insists on taking the entire class for a beach party in Hawaii. Think CCS's Tomoyo gone bad ... yet the character design is sharp and often incredibly funny. Voice acting was courtesy of the wide-ranging seiyuu Rica Matsumoto, best known as Satoshi (Ash in the English dub), the central character in the Pokemon saga.

 Keiko’s House


 Lightning-struck Keiko

 Keiko in a Panic: A2

 Keiko in a Panic: A3

 Keiko in a Panic: A6

 Keiko in a Panic: Background

 Keiko the Thespian

 Keiko Mecha

 Keiko in her Sleigh

 Can You Hear Me Now?!

 Alien Hand Syndrome:A8

 Keiko Holding the Tonpact: A10

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269864

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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