Sensei's Anime Gallery
Powerpuff Girls Z 23 B: The Kabutomushi Tournament

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Director: Takao Iwai
Storyboard: Tarunagashi
Animation Direction: Masami Abe

One of the nice things about getting packets of rough sketches is that many of them tend to relate to the same episode. This batch includes a series from the second half of Episode 23 (Who Is the King of Bugs?), an adventure based on a tournament of fighting "helmet beetles" (kabutomushi, aka Allomyrina dichotoma or "rhinoceros beetles" in this country).

In fact, there is an active subculture of children who collect and even raise kabutomushi from larvae, then pit them against each other in small enclosures. The alarmingly large size of these beetles and the odd projections on their heads are accurately represented in these sketches, though the eyes (as with humans as well) are exaggerated for dramatic effect.

To save space, I've limited the visible images in this gallery to the 24 that tell the essential story of this episode (so beware spoilers!). If you go to "Private Area" and enter "seemorestuff," you can see a variety of other less finished but interesting sketches from this same show.

 A Street Scene 1

 Action in the Kabutomushi Ring

 A Street Scene 3

 Bully Sweatdrop

 Crowd Scene

 Ken Kitazawa Enters the Arena

 Ken Gets His Kabutomushi into Action

 Rod Urges His Beetle On

 A Kabutomushi Morphs into a Monster

 The Kabutomushi Monster Attacks

 The Girls Size Up the Situation

 Buttercup Gets Out Her Weapon

 Buttercup Gets Zapped 1

 Buttercup Gets Zapped 2

 The PPGZ Regroup

 Advice from the Bully

 Buttercup Is Not Happy

 Buttercup Smells the Scent of Victory

 Bubbles Casts Bubble Neba-Neba!

 The Bug Monster Surrenders

 PPGZ Rule!

 It's a Wrap!

 Buttercup Makes an Observation

 I hate bugs!

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269853

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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