Sensei's Anime Gallery
Tenshi ni Narumon: Step 25: (Because I Want Everything...)

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... I Need Nothing. After a series of plot-of-the-week episodes, the Tennimon backstory finally develops to the point that it becomes the main plot of the series. And when it does, the series climaxes in a double episode that includes some of the finest anime storytelling ever done. This gallery and the next showcase cels that I've collected from these moments.

Script: Mamiko Ikeda
Storyboard: Tsuneo Kobayashi
Episode Director: Jiro Fujimoto
Animation Directors: Noboru Jitsuhara, Hideki Hashimoto, Takako Onishi, and Hiromi Kato

Caution! Spoilers Abound! I've put the descriptions below the images for those who don't want to read them; but the cels pretty much tell the story. Happily, the series is strong enough that it, like a good novel or play, bears repeated watching for its own sake.

 Stairway to Heaven

 Silky Emerges from Her Cavern (A15)

 Sweaty Silky

 Silky Emerges into the World

 Raphael with his guitar.

 Mikael carrying Noelle off

 Pausing on the stairway

 Noelle Escapes from Mikael

 Yuusuke Defies Mikael

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A1 genga

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A1 cel

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A3 cel

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A4 cel

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A10 cel

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A4 genga

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A11 cel

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A5 genga

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A13 cel

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A6 genga

 Yuusuke Climbing to the Celestial Stairway: A15 cel

 Silky confronts Mikael on the Stairway to Heaven

 Mikael Screaming: B7

 Mikael Screaming: B10

  Mikael Prays to the Durian Comet
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269864

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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