Sensei's Anime Gallery
Vampire Princess Miyu

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Based on a manga by Narumi Kakinouchi, this story was adapted by AIG into a 4-episode OAV (1988-89), with Kakinouchi (who is also a prolific animator) doing the storyboards, character design, and animation directing.

AIG remade it in 1997-98 as a 26-episode TV series, with Kakinouchi again contributing character design and scripts.

Cels from both series are extraordinarily beautiful, and I've been a longtime lurking admirer of this series' lovely art.

 You ... Bite Up My Life

 OVA Miyu Profile

 TV series: Miyu's first appearance

 Dramatic Miyu

 Intense Miyu Portrait

 Pink Miyu


 In the Spotlight

 Happy, Windblown Miyu

 Miyu’s Antagonist Reiha

 Happy Miyu Portrait

 Miyu Looking at a Locket

 Miyu Pounces

 Ready ... Steady ... Glomp!

 Miyu Pulling Someone’s Chain

 Miyu by Firelight

 Miyu Smiling

 Larva attacks: A1, A3

 Larva attacks: A5, A6

 Larva attacks: Reanimation

Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269853

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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