Sensei's Anime Gallery
Classic Cel-Based Series

A Tree of Palme 1: Palme and Popo

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Caution! Spoilers in descriptions!

A Tree of Palme (2001) is an ambitious movie created and directed by Takashi Nakamura, a distinguished animator who also directed Catnapped! (1995). More recently, he was the creator, author, character designer, and director for the TV series Fantastic Children (2004). Palme, a hybrid of Pinocchio and Ghost in the Shell, tells the story of a wooden robot who undertakes a dangerous journey to the underworld, during which his adventures humanize him, for better and for worse.

The movie was a labor of love for Nakamura. "A robot named Palme is frightened by the transience of his existence," he explained in an interview. "Yet he undertakes a journey to the inside of humans' tormented souls and minds, and he comprehends them. We humans living today are like this figure: we also question our spiritual bearings, and what of us will endure. That is why we need stories like this one. I believe that the more deeply this film's values are reflected in the consciousness of each viewer, the more clearly these values will emerge."

Nakamura's high seriousness has won over a number of critics. "This film, so rich in content, with its own style despite its homages," says Amy Harlin in a frames per second magazine review, "blossoms in the minds and hearts of its viewers and deserves to flourish in the anime field and to propagate in the wider world." (Yipes! Nip that botanical metaphor in the bud!)

These cels, handsomely painted, often generously oversized, and among the last ever used by animation studios, generate quite a visual impact. For a wider selection of Palme cels, see Vapalla's Cels.

This gallery focuses on images important in the story of Palme and the difficult but finally moving relationship that he develops with the human girl Popo, whom he encounters on his way.

 Palme in a happier time

 Koram Gives the Egg to Palme 1

 Koram Gives the Egg to Palme 2

 Palme enters the robbers’ den

 Palme Hears the Pendant Jingling

 Roualt unveils Palme

 Darumaya Grabs Popo

 Palme bringing flowers to Xian

 Palme Realizes Xian Has Died

 Popo sees Palme for the first time

 Palme mistakes Popo for Xian

 Popo Meets Palme

 Palme Frightens Popo: A16

 Palme Grabs Popo’s Arm

 Palme Captured by the Hunters

 Palme with the waterlily honey

 Palme: Will you go with me?

 Popo Taken Aback

 Popo's Dilemma

 Hopeful Palme

 Popo Looks at Palme in Shock

 A Dream of Sorrow

 Palme Angry at Popo

 Intense Palme
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269853

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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