Sensei's Anime Gallery
Inuyasha Ep. 100-167 2: Others

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Here you'll find sketches of the other characters from this series, including Koga, Shippo, Kagome and her friend Ayumi, Sango and her brother Kohaku, and the villains Kagura and Hosenki. .

 Kagome in Battle

 Kōga Confronts His Opponent

 Shippo and Kagome Surprised: Cut 52

 Shippo and Kagome Surprised: Cut 56 Layouts

 Shippo and Kagome Surprised: Cut 56 Roughs

 Sango ready for action

 Kagome under Attack

 Ayumi Conducts the Cultural Festival Choir 1: Rough, Layout, Genzu

 Ayumi Conducts the Cultural Festival Choir 1: Genga and Douga

 Ayumi Conducts the Cultural Festival Choir 2: Rough, Layout, Genzu

 Ayumi Conducts the Cultural Festival Choir 2: Genga and Douga

 Ayumi Conducts the Cultural Festival Choir 2: Reanimated dougas

 Sango possessed

 Sango possessed: Extras

 Sango possessed

 Sango possessed: Reanimation

 Sango Possessed: A16 cel

 Sango attacks Miroku

 Sango attacks Miroku: Reanimation

 Good shot! (layout and art board)

 Good shot! (rough, genga, and shuusei)

 Kagome haunted by the memory of Kikyo: Layout, Rough, Genga

 Kagome haunted by the memory of Kikyo: Shuusei, Douga

 Kagome Warns Inuyasha: 1
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269852

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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