Sensei's Anime Gallery
Tenshi ni Narumon 02: Noelle and Yuusuke

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If you're a boy in junior high who's trying to cope with puberty, sometimes life is just like Yuusuke's. He awakens a Sleeping Beauty in the Woods by accidentally falling on top of her naked body. When she declares him her "husband," he runs ... but he can't hide. Noelle, for her part, has to reconsile her desire to become an "angel" with her deep-seated psychological "fear of flying." For all its random zaniness, this relationship in the end has some serious, realistic things to say about sexuality.

Speaking of which, a number of the cels at the beginning of this gallery are ecchi, or deliberately suggestive. They are anatomicaly inexplicit, but possibly offensive, so I have altered the thumbnails to make them less eyecatching. If you are under 15, or can't remember how you felt during puberty, please think before viewing the large images of any of these.

 Sleeping Beauty [Ecchi]

 ... Awakens! [Ecchi]

 Noelle meets Yuusuke A29 [Ecchi!]

 Noelle meets Yuusuke A37 [Ecchi!]

 Yuusuke meets Noelle [Ecchi!]

 Naked Noelle [Ecchi!!]

 Yuusuke takes Noelle down a peg

 Noelle Abducted by Aliens

 Yuusuke Petrified by the Aliens

 6: Use the Button!

 Noelle Underwater

 A night-time talk

 Mourning for Jasmine Jelly

 What’s Going on in this Cel?

 Noelle practices flying on the school roof (night)

 Yuusuke Hears a Sneeze

 Noelle practices flying on the school roof (daytime)

 Noelle practices flying on the school roof (background only)

 Countdown to Durian Comet Day

 Noelle practicing flying

 Noelle practices flying

 Noelle practices flying: Reanimation

 Ready to take wing

 Noelle Attacked by Dispell C16
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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269853

Presentation 8.82/10   Collection 9.47/10   Overall 9.03/10   Votes 84 votes
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