Natsuki Goes through Bounty Hunter TSA Security 1
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 3
Cel Number: A1, A2
Standard size
No Background
Added 1/6/2011
Updated 12/26/2017
Cut 175. In the end, Natsuki has to shed her entire wardrobe while the others inspect each article of clothing for the bug that’s been planted on her. Nothing turns up. Here she is, now completely naked except for her bell, shivering from the cold and cowering around the corner of a little alcove in the tunnel where the team is trapped, asking if they are satisfied.
This nice A1 genga was taped to two other sheets of paper to plan out the big pan out from her face. As the whole sketch is mostly blank except for directions to the camera crew, I’ve scanned it close up, as we would see Natsuki at the very start of the cut. It gives a rare and especially good view of Fujin and Raijin, her two parasites, who provide her with her powerful electrical attacks
While the inspection gives Batanan and Tommy a mild case of nosebleed, the scene is more funny than sensuous. Natsuki really does look both uncomfortable and chilly.
The thumbnails add the A2 genga of Natsuki, which is also an excellent image, and also an intriguing page that came with this sketch set that gives a conceptual view of the tunnel where the adventurers are hiding out.
A Hyper Police Anime Gallery has one of the naked Natsuki cels from this cut along with what looks like part of the matching background.
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