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Powerpuff Girls Z 35 A: We're Not Weeds!

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Katabami gets bonked
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Added 6/12/2007
Updated 9/18/2019
A fairly conventional Powerpuff vs. Monster battle ensues, and you can see some extra sketches of the action if you go to "Private Area" and enter "seemorestuff." Here Buttercup goes after poor Katabami aka Oxalis acetosella (Eng: "Wood Sorrel"), whose face and shamrock arms and legs can be seen clearly in this detailed genga.

A digression: you can see the importance of calling Wild Plants by their proper names. Suiba and Katabami have nothing in common but the distinctive sourness of their stems, which make both useful in cooking and jam-making (like rhubarb). Hence they're both called "sorrels" in English, which just means "sour-tasting plant," even though they belong to two different plant families and look totally different.

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Curator: 60something-sensei
Gallery Created: 8/3/2002
Hits: 269907

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